• Exclusion diet/ Food intolerance/ Health/ Healthy Food/ Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity/ Paleo Diet/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    Healthy Eating Out – Food Choices

    Healthy Eating Out

    If you have food intolerance’s or you are trying to eat for good health then Eating Out can be a bit of a nightmare. Healthy Eating Out is becoming slightly easier and nutritional knowledge improving but we need it to get a lot better. One thing we could all do to improve the situation is when we have had a great experience eating out – take time to thank the chefs and the staff and maybe a comment on Social media to spread the word. Having been Gluten and Dairy free for sometime we really appreciate it when we have healthy choices.

    I had this amazing Smoked Mackerel and Rainbow Salad with a Honey Mustard dressing in a Pub on Sunday. The Pub was The Brushmakers Arms in Upham, Hampshire, UK. I was hungry and so had a side order of chips but they weren’t necessary because the salad was so filling. So a massive ‘Thank you’ to them 🙂

    Increasingly more Restaurants and Bars are catering for Gluten free but it would be so helpful if a system of symbols could be put alongside each dish on the menu. If marked Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free – it would save time in a busy establishment and save the customer embarrassment.  Gluten and Dairy free Gravy would be a wonderful addition to a Sunday Roast. We have found the occasional place where a gravy made from the meat juices and a splash of wine has ended up being far superior to the ‘normal gravy’!

    A holiday in Edinburgh was a great success when we discovered that Gluten free awareness was nearly everywhere and we even had a Pizza and Pasta restaurant opposite our hotel that did both gluten free Pizza and Pasta plus Gluten free Beer!

    Some Restaurants fail miserably and obviously have no comprehension about the necessity of choice or the prevalence of food intolerance. This is not dependant on the type of venue or price. I have had great food in a humble but health aware cafe and no choice at all in an expensive Restaurant. Many times we have had no option but Ham, egg and chips or been forced to ask for a burger without the bun only to find it is served minus the onion and salad as well! Other Restaurants have cheese or cream added to literally every dish!

    Why would you choose to eat out when given these options?

    So I am pleading to chefs everywhere, please be aware of the reality of food intolerance and healthy options (for both adults and children). Eating out should be a celebration of food and a socially engaging experience not an isolating one.

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Health/ Healthy Food

    Confused about Healthy Eating?

    Confused by Nutrition?

    Confused about Healthy Eating? – you’re not the only one! The Public, the media and some Professionals  seem to be struggling to keep up with the massive influx of new scientific and nutritional information that has come to light over the last 5 years. Good nutritional advice is now very much more complex as it involves knowing not only which foods to eat and in what quantities but how to avoid toxins from herbicides, pesticides, GMO foods, chemicals and other health damaging ingredients in foods plus knowledge of the nutrients we may be deficient in due to soil depletion and farming methods. We are living at a time of the highest levels of chronic ill health and we need to understand about healthy eating as part of living a longer life, maintaining a good quality of life and avoiding diseases that are preventable.

    The media are not helping and some newspaper/magazine articles and TV programs are just adding to the confusion by presenting out of date or misleading information and not being able to differentiate between marketing and science. Take “The Truth about….Healthy Eating” on BBC 1 last week – quoted as being an investigation into if we can eat and drink our way to good health. Read More

  • Anaemia/ Autoimmune diseases/ Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Energy/ Immune System/ Stress Reduction/ Supplements

    B Vitamins and Autoimmune Disease

    B Vitamins

    There are eight numbered B Vitamins that are all important for cellular metabolism but with more recent findings we know the importance of some B Vitamins and Autoimmune Disease.

    People who suffer from Autoimmune Diseases and/or have genetic mutations that affect the way Vitamin B is used in the body may benefit from supplementing the natural forms of B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folate) and B12 (Cobalamin). These three vitamins are critical for for supporting the methyl cycle and DNA and RNA synthesis. B Vitamins are all water soluble and easily lost or destroyed by water, heat processing, roasting and canning. Elevated homocysteine is a proven factor for cardio vascular disease and taking B6, B9 and B12 can lower Homocysteine levels.

    Vitamin B6 as the co-enzyme form Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, P5’P  is used in the metabolism of proteins and fats and is necessary for creating glucose from these foods and is also essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and red blood cells. It is necessary for the production of Hydrochloric acid and the absorption of Magnesium and B12. Helps the body metabolise and transport selenium and zinc, is a natural diuretic and alleviates nausea. It is involved in converting 5-HTP into Serotonin and also the calming neurotransmitter GABA.

    Signs of Deficiency are

    • Anaemia not corrected by iron
    • poor sleep
    • kidney stones
    • morning sickness
    • PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome
    • Skin rashes and dry skin
    • Anxiety and nervousness
    • Insulin Resistance
    • muscle spasms and cramps
    • Carpal Tunnel syndrome
    •  Asperger’s and Autism
    • Heart Disease

    Causes of deficiency are Read More

  • Autoimmune diseases/ Brain - Gut Connection/ Energy/ Inflammation/ Probiotics

    Probiotics Breakthrough

    Paleo and LCHF approach

    A Review.

    We have a Probiotics breakthrough with a new supplement called Elixa Probiotic.

    So much of what I do and write about this past couple of years has been about the health of our Microbiome – the environment of beneficial bacteria within and on our bodies that affects our health. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can be taken as a supplement, eaten as fermented foods and even given as an enema and many people have learnt that by improving their gut health they can significantly improve their overall physical and mental health.

    They have proved so beneficial that a daily top up seems essential to some people with chronic inflammatory disease, Auto-immune disease, ADHD, Autism, Depression and Insomnia to name just a few. Taking probiotics has also been shown to improve the function of our immune system. I have taken probiotics on and off over the years. At first the supplements only contained one or two strains and needed to be kept in the fridge but over the years different technology has meant that we can now benefit from several strains and they have a good shelf life at normal temperatures.

    The breakthrough is a new Product that has 12 different strains and is 50 times the strength of the average Probiotic and best of all, you probably only need a six day course to set up a much healthier environment in your digestive tract.

    Elixa Probiotics


    Read More

  • Energy/ Healthy Food/ Nutritional Medicine

    Super-nutrition for health and well-being


    Promise to give yourself Super-nutrition for health and well-being in 2016. We are having to cope with more stress, more pollution, more illness, long working hours, frequently poor sleep as well and yet we expect our bodies to cope with it all even with inadequate fuel. You are not going to be getting enough nutrients in Fast Food restaurants or Take Away Pizzas so the balance has to shift to food that you buy and prepare yourself and it doesn’t have to be more costly or time consuming. If you live a very hectic lifestyle or you don’t have a lot of cooking experience then take a look at the services of menu/meal providers like Hello Fresh or Gousto in the UK.

    The main idea to get Super-nutrition is to eat far more nutrient rich food so that you have

    less sugar and processed carbohydrates……………….. and more real, fresh food.

    shift to super-nutrition

    Start by increasing the nutrition in your breakfast. I have just started eating some different breakfasts to do this and to have something hot on our cold winter mornings. I have finally found a way that I really like to eat Quinoa. See recipe…. Read More

  • Energy/ Environmental/ Exercise/ Five Tibetan Rites/ Health/ Mindfulness

    Exercise and Interaction

    Exercise and Interaction

    Exercise and interaction with your environment are two of the most important things that affect your vitality.

    First lets look at how we spend each day and become aware of what energises us and what drains us. Sometimes you might wake with energy and enthusiasm but how long does it last? What main things can bring that vitality down? Conflict is a big one, relationship problems, getting involved on social media before starting important tasks, long or difficult commutes to work, worrying and stress, lack of planning and feeling that you are not in control of your life.

    How can you improve that balance in your own life? Can you increase your activity level from what you do currently? Can you get outside more, stretch, walk, take the stairs not the lift. Just 15 minutes in the daylight and fresh air will boost your oxygen and D3 levels. A brisk walk, sweeping up, gardening can really lift your mood and make you feel more alive.
    “There is no such thing as bad weather – only the wrong clothes!”
    While outside, be in the moment, not on your phone, be aware of everything and everyone around you, the weather, seasonal changes and nature. Be grateful for the environment around you whether in the City or the country there are always things to appreciate like the simple joy of a sunrise or sunset. Yesterday I was travelling home from visiting The London Health Show packed into a train with hardly any room to move but the view of the sun setting over the river and the light on the buildings on a freezing cold evening was quite magical.

    Increase your exercise level with whatever you can enjoy and make a habit or ritual in your life. Stretch on waking like animals always do, balance on one leg while cleaning your teeth, some yoga or my favourite,The 5 Tibetan Rites, get a hula hoop or a small trampoline as exercise like these gets your bodies lymph flowing. Unlike your blood that is pumped around by your heart, lymph is mainly moved around the body by exercise and when you sit for hours you do not have good lymph flow and so do not get rid of toxins like you should (another big drain on vitality!)

    Diagram of movements for 5 Tibetan Rites…… Read More

  • Energy/ Environmental/ Health/ Sugar

    Regain HEALTH and VITALITY this year…

    Vitality and energy

    Would you love to regain your health and vitality this year, to have more energy to enjoy life?

    Most people feel they need a fresh start to a New Year and although for many it is to start yet another diet or join a gym it is hard to motivate yourself if you have low energy to start with.

    January in the Northern hemisphere is cold and damp with little sunshine and short days and so we often feel more like hibernating with a good supply of chocolate and even in warmer climes it can be difficult to go back to work after a good holiday. It is not a time to deprive yourself – so any New Year Resolutions that involved depriving yourself of things you enjoy are likely to have failed already!

    A new trend  is to pick a word (or words)for the year that motivates you on many levels. Find your own word that resonates and inspires you so that when you feel lacking in energy you can use your word to bring you back on track. I tend to procrastinate way too much so my word for the year is ‘FOCUS’.

    I love this trend because it is much more encompassing and less restrictive than making a Resolution like ‘I want to lose weight’ or ‘I want to get fit’. If you want to regain your health and vitality you need to work on many levels over time and build on the improvements so that they become part of your life and you mindset. Think of embracing changes over the whole year and look at all the aspects that impact on your health and energy.

    If you are not sure where to start, write down all of the key words on the tablet in the picture above and then go through them circling the ones that you feel you most need to work on. Don’t worry if you end up circling them all – it just shows how this can help and how every aspect of self-care is important!

    An optional extra is then to write yourself a note saying-

    ‘To improve my HEALTH and VITALITY I  need the right MINDSET and my word to remind and motivate me during the year is …………’  then stick it on your computer, bathroom mirror or fridge where you will see it daily.

    Many things can rob us of energy, Read More

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Nutritional Medicine


    Superfoods for energy and vitality

    When you have completed the Detox you should feel energised as your body systems are able to function more efficiently but now is the time to add in more Super-foods for energy and vitality that will improve your nutrition and nourish your body. When you omit foods from your diet it is vital that you substitute other foods that provide the same nutrients so that you don’t become deficient.

    Wheat and wholegrain wheat products and cereals usually contain a variety of the B group of vitamins, iron, potassium, iodine and calcium so if you eliminate grains from your diet you need to eat enough of the foods that supply these nutrients and on a daily basis because the Vitamin group of vitamins are water soluble, not stored in the body and depleted by stress. If your gut bacteria levels are good you also manufacture Vitamin B in the body, especially the ones that are capable of repairing DNA and even killing cancer cells, biotin, folic acid and B12. Vitamin B is essential for a healthy nervous system, good mental function and mood, for food digestion, metabolism and energy and for keeping levels of homocysteine low and preventing heart attacks and strokes. Foods that contain good levels of Vitamin B and iron are meats – with more in red meat like grass fed beef, venison, rabbit; organ meat – liver, kidney and heart; eggs; bacon; yeast extract; dried seaweed; sardines; Herring; anchovies; scallops; prawns salmon;skate;mackerel; shiitake mushrooms; sunflower seeds; nuts; brown rice and dark green leafy vegetables like Kale, chard, spinach, Spring greens and cabbage.

    If you omit Dairy foods then it is fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D and Calcium that you will need to replace. Vitamin D is in oily fish; fish roe; eggs; Ghee, added to most margarines and oil based spreads and it is made by the body when exposed to sunlight. Calcium is found in Almond milk and butter; other nut milks and their butters; leafy green vegetables; salmon, sardines, whitebait, prawns; sesame seeds; Poppy seeds; Harricot beans; chick peas; Nori and Kombu seaweed; figs; Herbs; root vegetables and broccoli.

    The easiest way of upping your nutrition is to add a few smoothies a week. My personal favourites are mixtures of almond or coconut milk with fresh fruit, fresh ginger or cinnamon and almond butter. I love some of the ideas for smoothies on Kira Westwick’s Blog and she even converted me to green smoothies by saying that you should make them light and refreshing and not “creamy” and by going for greens that are typically eaten raw like cucumber, celery, herbs and sprouts and add ice to keep them super fresh. In the Winter try adding  plenty of nutritious foods into soups. My favourite is pumpkin and butternut squash with roasted garlic topped with crispy bacon pieces and toasted pumpkin seeds in a little olive oil….yummy!

    I think all of these foods are Super-foods because they supply us with high levels of nutrients and energy. In addition to these you should add Coconut oil and butter, coconut milk, pure coconut yogurt; garlic; ginger; cinnamon, turmeric, olive oil, green tea, spice teas, Spring water, mushrooms, bell peppers, Avocado, lemons and limes, Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, dark cherries, grapes and the occasional glass of red wine with some raw, dark chocolate!

    I feel great just writing all these Super-foods down 😉